Centre for Energy Technology

Staff  Specialization / Research Interests

Dr.Narsimhulu Sanke, M.E.Ph.D
Renewable Energy Sources, (Bio-Mass)
Turbo Machinery, Software Development


Professor of Mechanical Engineering,

Honorary Advisor
Dr.D.N. Reddy, Ph.D
(Vice – Chancellor, JNTU-H) 
(Founder Director, CET)

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engg. Non-Conventional Energy Sources (NCES), Heat Power and Turbomachinery

Senior Adviser
Dr. R.P. Gupta,

Wind & Non-Conventional Energy Sources

Dr.E.V.R. Sastry,
Ph.D. (Former Adviser, MNES)

Solar Energy Technologies

K. Basu, Ph.D  


Clean Coal Technologies, Bio-Mass

Faculty Associated  

Dr.M.V. Ramana Murthy, Ph.D


Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering

V. Uma Maheswar, M.E.(Ph.D)


Associate. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering